Wali Hawes 1952 - 2014
                          pottery and more!

Wali Hawes Potter's Diary

Art-to-Art Palette Magazine

Item that was published by Art-to-Art Magazine in the US.

'Tree Kiln' inventor takes the mystery out of firing process
    Wali Hawes was born in India and went to college in England. Pottery studies took him to Spain where he became more deeply involved as a clay artist. He continued his fascination with pottery by living in Japan, where this exposure gave him a very varied perspective on things.  These early experiences influenced him to be eclectic without being confined to one particular style or mode.
    There is one very distinctive contribution that Wali has given to the clay world. He is an expert in non-traditional kiln construction that amazes people seeing the firing demonstrations. Hawes says, “The development of Kiln Technology has historically been accomplished in China. These Chinese potters elevated kilns to higher temperatures and achieved dazzling results with their glazed pottery pieces. Thus, their kilns have been developed as a tool for decoration of these clay vessels.”
    In addition, Wali has borrowed and further developed and simplified his kiln constructions. His kilns have the capacities to be tools for the creation of various atmospheres which will intervene directly on his clay surfaces. One very notable invention is his "tree kiln" which became a huge and varied vessel because he built it from clay. The kiln was fired through the same process as greenware which logically made it become a ceramic object. "I molded and shaped this mammoth clay structure to be like tree trunks with limbs from raw clay for wood-firing purposes. The kiln name became recognized as a Firetree."
    In kiln building and experimental firings, Wali has placed an emphasis upon de-mystifying the firing process. It has allowed him to launch into the unknown as these firings unleash the forces of nature in a controlled way. "To date, I have never purchased a kiln in my life! I just continue to construct more and more Firetrees."
    For more information, see - www.walihawes.com


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