Wali Hawes 1952 - 2014
                          pottery and more!

Car Kiln

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A kiln built around a car.

In the first weekend in July 2005, the 10th International Ceramics Festival was held in Aberstwyth, Wales.

Building the car kiln

Building the Car Kiln

Firing the car kiln

Firing the Car Kiln


I was invited to demonstrate the building and firing of my Car Kiln. The body of a Vauxhall Vectra was used minus the engine, seats and windows. Basically, all I was left with was the shell of the car.

The car body was raised onto a base of breeze blocks leaving space so that a firebox at the front would connect into the main body through a space below the dashboard.

Paint drums were filled with the pots and with different types of combustible like wood, sawdust and charcoal before being packed into the "kiln".

Finally we covered the windows and windscreen with chicken wire before covereing the entire structure with layers of magazine sheets dipped in slurry. It was then wood-fired for several hours.

Apart from the obvious take-off of the meaning of Car kiln it is also a dramatic development of the paper kiln technique. This follows on from Le Four Mobile or kiln made from a shopping trolley and the Mangagama or kiln made from Japanese comic books.

We also explore the more spectacular nature of the ceramic process and allow for the particapatory aspect of loading and firing a wood kiln to develop in a more easy going context.

Pieces were decorated with metallic salts and terra siggilata.



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