Wali Hawes 1952 - 2014
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Pottery Help

I'm often asked for help - and I'm happy to give it. These are some of the questions I have been asked about various things.

Paperclay Recipe

Martin from France asks:

I am a ceramist living in France and was intrigued by your use of paperclay, the dragon looks splendid ! I would like to try this material but was confused by your recipe, are the ?parts? by weight or by volume? My guess is by weight but that would require an awful lot of paper (depending what kind, of course).

Wali Answers:

Dear Martin,

The receipe calls for parts by voulume. I usually use a small bowl, though anything will do. It depens on the quantity you are making up. The pulp is usually quite dry so too the clay.

I put the lot in a large bucket with a lot of water and then using a paint mixer (not sure if that is the right word in English) I give it a good blending. I then tip this mixture into large plaster moulds. When it has dried out to a wedging consistency I remove and store.

However, I do advise testing out the clay you use before going into large scale production.

Good Luck



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